
Subject Leader: Miss Barton

We believe that music enriches children's lives in and out of school. Appreciation of instrumental sounds, singing, melody and rhythm give opportunities for children to learn, express themselves work collaboratively and be happy!  Music is part of our cultural identity and we want every child to be aware of this.  Music also has fantastic learning opportunities across the curriculum, such as in dance, English, PE and Maths and we will ensure that pupils have learning opportunities, using music, in all these areas.

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. 

Music unites us.  At Brough School we sing and play together for pleasure as well as performance.   We discuss our musical likes and dislikes sensitively, sharing pieces of music that we connect to personally, or that we enjoy with our families at home.  We also sequence our teaching and learning of the subject throughout school so that we deliver the National Curriculum effectively and uniquely.

In Music lessons, children learn to play the recorder from years 2 to 6.

Teaching and Learning

Music is taught to all children in school on a weekly basis to develop key skills, promote enjoyment of Music and embed the purpose and importance of the subject.  The core aims of the National Curriculum are addressed in each lesson. Our approach to the planning, assessment and teaching of music throughout the school is organised alongside our class groupings. Listening opportunities reflect our creative cross-curriculum by linking to areas of study in geography, history or science.  Further opportunities to sing have been prioritised in a weekly whole school session which may also link to cross-curricular and PSE learning. Information technology plays a significant role in the teaching of the music curriculum as a tool for listening, creating, performing and self-study.  Through singing, performing, listening and reflecting on high quality pieces from a range of genres, pupils learn to communicate their ideas and emotions to others.  They also learn about, and can empathise with cultural, emotional, spiritual and social diversity.

Sequenced Learning 

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. 

Key stage 1 Pupils should be taught to:

· use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes 

· play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically 

· listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music 

·  experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

 During their time in Reception and Year One, children will sing a variety of traditional songs, nursery rhymes and modern pieces together for enjoyment during their weekly music session. They will practise chants and rhymes as part of early phonics and mathematical development, and will also sing as part of a whole school ensemble on a weekly basis to enable them to find their voice and begin to use if effectively.

They will begin by playing a variety of un-tuned instruments with increasing control, effectively changing volume, speed and tone.  In year two they will be introduced to musical notation.  Playing the recorder mouth piece they will be introduced to, and learn, notational value as they master tonguing.  Notation and fingering will then be introduced from term two in a sequence of progression starting with one handed notes B,A,G,C,D then two handed F,E,D and then lower C and upper E,F,G.

Pupils in Acorns Class will listen to a variety of high-quality live and recorded music with growing concentration.  We will listen to a piece of music at the beginning and end of each lesson with the piece changing regularly.  Children in Acorns will be asked to record their own appreciation / reactions to the music on a termly basis in words and pictures.  They will be asked to consider and express for example :

· How does this music make you feel?

· Do you enjoy listening to this music?

· What instruments can you hear in this piece of music?

· Does this piece of music tell a story?

· Would you recommend this piece of music to someone else?


Throughout reception and Year One children will be given a selection of standard and crafted instruments (recycled, made, everyday objects) to accompany the music they sing and hear and will also work in small groups composing and copying each other’s sounds.


Key stage 2 Pupils will be taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control. They should develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing sounds from aural memory. 


Pupils will be taught to: 

· play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression 

· improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music 

· listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory 

· use and understand staff and other musical notations 

· appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians 

· develop an understanding of the history of music. 


Building on notational value and fingering learned in year two, children will continue their recorder playing to develop fluency, confidence and tone.  They

will play and perform in groups and as solo artists at school events throughout the year.  Taking responsibility by practising at home and/or recorder club to

improve the level of their playing.  By the end of year six they will use note names and a staff to record their own compositions.  


Pupils in Twiglets, Birch and Oaks Classes will listen to a variety of high-quality live and recorded music with the aim that they:

· appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians 

· develop an understanding of the history of music. 


We will listen to the same piece of music at the beginning and end of the lesson.  We will aim to listen to four pieces of music linked to our topic each half term.  We will then complete one of the following:

· A written response to the genre of music we have been listening to sharing our reasons as to whether we enjoyed it how we reacted to it, including whether we would recommend this music to someone else.

· A factual account of how the musical genre reflected the period of time it was first composed.

· A factual account relating to the history of music at that time.

· A biography of the composer.

· An instructive text on how the music was played/composed/performed.

· A fact file of one of the main instruments in the piece.


Through the use of the intent, implementation and impact approach below, we have designed an action plan that aims to achieve specific endpoints.

By the end of Key Stage 1 we will ensure that children have played a variety of tuned and un-tuned instruments.  They will play these with increasing control, following three and four beats in a bar rhythms.  They will be beginning to recognise and respond to crotchet, quaver, minim and semibreve notation.  Children will use these when composing and performing in small groups.  From when they first enter school, children will listen to a variety of high-quality live and recorded music.  This will happen on a weekly basis in music lessons but also as part of daily school life e.g. when entering/exiting collective worship, or as a background at special events.  We want children to love music, to develop a sense of their favourite artists and genres, so that music fully enriches their lives.  Our pupils will also become singers.  At this early age we are happy for them to lose themselves in performance and enjoy their singing.  We will help them control their voice once they have found it and enjoy using it!

From Year 2, and throughout KS2, children will learn to play an instrument.  We have chosen recorder because we believe this will give them flexibility of choice if they would like to extend their learning and play additional instruments.  Children will spend five years developing their skills and confidence.  They will leave our school reading musical notation and rhythmic notation.  They will have composed in small groups using this notation. Our pupils will regularly perform together at school and community events.  They will reflect on their performance and growing skills regularly in order to be able to improve upon them.  During KS2 we will help children control and vary their vocal performances, maintaining that initial exuberance and enjoyment, but also developing quality singing.  Children will be introduced to an ever-widening mix of genres and artists, they will formally react to this music, sharing emotional and musical responses.  They will leave school with a broad spectrum of musical experience that they can draw from, to help them identify music to reach to when they need it in their life. 

Subject Action Plan

Curriculum Map