
Subject Leader: Miss Barton

Mathematical fluency is a vital life skill. Children will gain knowledge of mathematical concepts and processes, acquire problem solving and reasoning skills, which can be applied in a multitude of contexts. Some children will begin to understand the complexities of the subject. We endeavour to ensure that all children will reach age related expectations, or make at least expected progress from individual starting points in Mathematics. This is achieved through a well-sequenced curriculum. We promote the use of real-life situations to teach the numerical skills which all children will need as adults.

Teaching and Learning

Mathematics is taught discretely in specific lessons which incorporate the teaching of number facts and relationships, a range of calculation strategies for each of the four operations, fractions in their many forms, concepts relating to shape and measure and statistics. These skills are learned through concrete modelling of mathematical processes for younger children, progressing to a more abstract understanding of numbers and how they can be used. Opportunities are provided in every lesson to solve problems and reason solutions, underpinned by the concepts described above.


 The children’s mathematical skills are employed across the creative curriculum we have designed. Every opportunity is taken to use the full range of skills taught in many other areas of learning, from data handling in Science and Geography, timeline comprehension in History, measurement and proportion in Art and Design Technology, rhythmic notation in Music and timing, measuring and scoring in PE. The transferrable skills developed when problem solving and reasoning are called upon in all subject learning areas, and beyond the school curriculum. 

A trip to Kirkby Stephen Grammar School for Oaks Class, on their Maths Puzzle Day.

Outdoor learning is an important part of our Maths curriculum.
Our Maths curriculum encourages collaborative learning.

Sequenced Learning


Children are taught the importance of understanding number from the beginning of their learning at our school. This knowledge progresses from recognising, saying and writing numbers, through learning simple relationships and acquiring times table facts. This leads to children acquiring knowledge of 92 KIRFs (key instant recall facts) which enables a level of mathematical fluency to allow children to succeed at the end of Key Stage 2 and beyond.


Children begin to complete calculations using concrete objects to visibly observe the relationships between numbers when we add and subtract. As they begin to formalise these processes through writing number sentences, they are introduced to the concept of multiplication (through repeated addition) followed by division (through equal sharing). The curriculum is designed to teach children more sophisticated ways in which to complete calculations (including a number of skills which rely on their knowledge of KIRFs), leading up to them being able to use formal written methods for all four operations.  A detailed calculation policy has been developed by the staff to ensure excellent sequencing of the teaching of calculation through the school.


Learning begins with children understanding that numbers are made of constituent parts, and that they can be subdivided accordingly. From knowing the vocabulary of half and quarter, children move on to finding simple fractions of amounts and identifying the association with division. Children begin to see fractions as numbers and can relate fractions of different sizes to each other. Children can then solve problems using fractions, and complete calculations involving all four operations using fractions.


Children learn to describe, compare and record a range of measurements of both discrete and continuous quantities. They become familiar with using standard units to measure quantities and begin to estimate and measure with increasing accuracy. This leads to children being able to use scales correctly, and to selecting and using the most appropriate tool for completing the measurement which they are attempting. The concept of measurement of time is then introduced. They acquire skills for converting between different measurements of the same quantities. Children are then able to complete specified measurements (such as angles) and calculations (such as perimeter, area and volume). Links to fractions are made explicit. Learning in measurement gives children the opportunity to practise skills learned in other areas of the Mathematics curriculum, giving them a context in which to explore number and calculate.


Learning begins with recognising different shapes within patterns and being able to replicate patterns using different shapes. Children are then taught to recognise and name different 2D and 3D shapes. This is followed by acquiring knowledge about the properties of these shapes, so that they can be correctly classified. Vocabulary such as symmetry, parallel and perpendicular is learned to enable this. Links are made to learning in both fractions and measurement. Children learn to link nets to their respective 3D shapes, construct shapes, and transform shapes on a coordinate grid.


Children learn to record numerical information visually using charts and diagrams. They progress to finding information from a range of data presentations to answer questions and solve problems. They learn to construct more accurate graphical representations of data using scales, moving onto drawing line graphs and constructing pie charts, and interpreting these.


Through the use of the intent, implementation and impact approach below, we have designed an action plan that aims to achieve specific endpoints.  By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will have been given the opportunity to develop their number, calculation, measure and shape skills. This will have been achieved by focusing on the use of concrete examples to illustrate and explain the relationships they encounter when learning in mathematics. 

By the end of Key Stage 2 we want children to be able to use mathematical skills fluently to explore the full range of concepts which the curriculum delivers. They will have progressed from the concrete to be able to apply their skills in abstract, without the need for physical materials to enable them to calculate, instead relying on the numbers themselves as representations of the quantities which are being used. We want them to use these skills beyond the confines of the Mathematics curriculum in the whole range of learning opportunities they are provided, through careful cross-curricular planning. Children will be able to approach problems and unfamiliar situations with confidence, and be able to apply these skills across all aspects of their learning and beyond their in-class experiences. We want children to meet  the expected national standard but for those children not meeting the standard by the end of Key Stage 1 we want pupils to have made more than expected progress towards the expected standard at Key Stage 2.  Children will have developed mathematical fluency through acquisition of the KIRFs. They will be able to calculate accurately and efficiently. They will have acquired all the skills required to continue their studies beyond primary school.

Subject Action Plan

Curriculum Map

Calculation Policy