Physical Education 

Subject Leader: Miss Barton

 We believe that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. 

Through sport and other physical activities our children will learn about their responsibilities both as individuals and members of groups and teams. They learn to cooperate and to compete fairly, understanding their own and other’s roles. 

Most of all - sport is fun and enjoyable!

Teaching and Learning

Our aim is that; through physical education, we teach and develop physical competence and skills, promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle, develop an appreciation of skilled and creative performances, understand the basic principles of ‘fair play’ and improve inter personal skills. 

 Our school will achieve the above through:

Football Club, led by our coach Shaun Gardner, and children taking part in Brough's second annnual Go Ride cycle event, organised by the school.

Sequenced Learning

 In Key Stage 1, children develop their gross motor skills, working on balance, coordination and strength. They begin to master throwing and catching, running and jumping techniques then utilise these in game situations. Children are also given the opportunity to express themselves through dance. 

Learning is well sequenced into Key Stage 2.  Skills are improved and built upon. Balance, coordination and strength skills are highlighted in Athletics events. Catching, running and jumping also feature in athletics events and gymnastics and these and the previous skills are all utilised in the development of individual and team sports. Children in Key Stage 2 also practise sequencing skills as gymnastic and dance routines become more complex, whilst encouraging more and more self-expression and teamwork amongst pupils.

 The schools firmly believes in sport featuring in the lives of pupils on a long-term basis. That is why we insist on all children receiving swimming lessons in every year group in the school. Swimming, as a skill, not only gives children a sport they can enjoy throughout their lives but it is also an essential skill for personal safety.

 We also want pupils to enjoy and value their local environment. That is why we give all pupils in school opportunities to learn through the Outdoor and Adventurous element of the PE curriculum. In Key Stage 1, pupils have opportunities to explore their local environment through our Forest Schools teaching. In Key Stage 2, pupils are given the opportunities to enjoy a range of outdoor and adventurous activities, such as cycling, hiking, canoeing, ghyll scrambling and climbing. We believe that access to these sports and activities builds confidence, self-belief, perseverance and resilience in our pupils. 

Inter-school and Extra-curricular Activities

In addition to the school curriculum our students compete in a range of inter-school competitions, sports festivals and local cluster fixtures taking place at regular intervals during the appropriate season. 

Along with the large variety of physical education within the curriculum we also offer a range of after school clubs such as netball, football and rounders.


Through the use of the intent, implementation and impact approach below, we have designed an action plan that aims to achieve specific endpoints.  By the end of Key Stage 1 we will ensure that children have developed basic movement skills to develop balance, coordination and agility.  Children will be able to dance and express themselves physically.  We will also ensure that children to develop ball skills and take part in competitive games and sports both at an intra and inter sport level.  Pupils will appreciate their local environment by taking part in outdoor and adventurous activities through participation in Forest Schools activities.  Children will know the value of fair play and how to compete fairly in sports.

 By the end of Key Stage 2 all children will have had access to a comprehensive programme of sporting opportunities.  Through the provision of swimming lessons in every year group, they will be able to swim – the majority to the target set by the government.  All pupils will have had a good balance of teaching in team games, racquet sports, dance, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities, plus the opportunity to take part in alternative and minority sports.  Pupils will have been encouraged to compete with fair play in mind but also competitively, being given the opportunity to take part in both intra and inter school competitions.  There will have been opportunities to express themselves even further physically, especially in dance.  Children will have had the opportunity to build confidence and resilience through a programme of outdoor and adventurous activities in Key Stage 2.

Our outdoor and adventurous offer is an important part of our PE curriculum.

Physical exercise and self-expression go hand-in-hand with our annual dance performances.

Subject Action Plan

Curriculum Map